Monday, March 1, 2021

Very Urgent Notice


Covid-19 and the consequent mandatory closure of ICSA for about 6 months has hit the institute very hard.  When the government permitted online teaching, we started the Mains syllabus.  Unfortunately, our experience has been very disappointing.  The oddity of Professors waiting for  students to appear and nobody showing up or in a class of 15 only 1 attends or in a situation with people taking their own time to attend classes was extremely frustrating to the teachers.  The absence of personal interaction in a class-room situation which ICSA is known for,  was totally absent.  ICSA feels circumstances were preventing it from delivering what it normally does.  The Institute with an excellent track record of success could never be happy functioning in a situation like this.  It is against this background we have been forced to decide not to accept students for the next session for Prelims preparation.  It is a painful decision but we have no choice.  Those of you who were associated with ICSA and have not yet collected your Library Caution Money Deposit, please  do so on any of the dates mentioned below:

Please contact the office for collection of this amount before 9th March’21.  Our working days between now and 9th are as follows :

2/3/21 – Tuesday,  4/3/21 Thursday, 7/3/21 Sunday and 9/3/21 Tuesday .


Dr. Jyotirmoy Pal Chaudhuri
